Asian Students' Venture Forum
Our Programme always seeks for many different opportunities for the students to learn in global environment.

In this year, Student Representatives Ann, Fexon and Kingking represented our Programme and participated in the Asian Students' Venture Forum.
In which they have chance to meet and learn different cultures, widen their exposure and enrich their life experience through different activities.

Fexon: It's an unforgettable trip which broaden my horizons. The event provides me opportunities to meet students from other countries that boost up my social skills while expanding my network.

KingKing: So far, ASVF has been the best competition and journey in my life. Not just representing Hong Kong team in the competition with other Asian countries' people about innovative business ideas had a sense of honor, but also meeting different people makes me be more confident, outgoing and gregarious.

Ann: ASVF, I would rather call it a grant interchange event than only a competition. As nearly twenty countries‘ representatives got together, it means a gathering of knowledge, culture, idea and so on. In a whole, what we have got from this activity is much more than the business idea, but also a group of friends of all over the Asia.